
The Power of Determination: Thilak’s Story of Becoming an Ace Designer

Soumya Srivastava

In this article, our ace Visual Designer from the marketing team Thilak takes us through his career journey, role at Tecstub, and creative process. 

Tell us about yourself

I was born and brought up in Chennai, and I  am an electrical engineer by degree and a designer by choice. I have been in the designing domain for the past 4 years, and since then, I have been transforming ideas into a design. I like connecting with new people, visiting new places, and playing football.  I am quite comfortable talking to anyone and mix with people quite easily.

What has your career journey been like?

I pursued a traditional education path and obtained a degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. However, studying power systems, circuits, and resistors left me uninterested, and I realized this wasn’t my calling. Surprisingly, design never crossed my mind as a career option during my growing-up years. It wasn’t until after finishing my degree that I was introduced to design by my brother, who was already a seasoned designer.

He encouraged me to try my hand at designing and introduced me to various tools and platforms, teaching me the basics. My first project was to design a logo, and as I immersed myself in the process, I found delight in the details, such as color choice, placement, and contrast. This sparked my curiosity and I took it upon myself to learn more through online resources. I became familiar with design platforms like Adobe and Illustrator and with practice, my skills improved.

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Snippets for our work from office week

How did Tecstub happen?

One day I received a call for an interview from the Tecstub HR team. Since I am based in Chennai, getting to interview for a Gujarat-based company was slightly strange. But since the interview was virtual and the position was remote, I went for it. My interview experience was very smooth, and it felt more like a conversation because everyone on the panel made me feel very comfortable. The interview was conducted by the head of marketing, who is also my manager and the organization’s CEO. 

During the interview with Tecstub, I was asked not only about my professional background but also about my personal interests. When I mentioned my love for traveling, Kiran Soni, the CEO of Tecstub, offered to recommend some must-visit destinations.

I was impressed by the company’s openness and clarity about its vision for rebranding and what my role would entail. Their approach and drive left me feeling confident about joining the organization. And now, I am here to share my story. 🙂

Tell us about your role as a Visual Communication Specialist at Tecstub 

Working at TecStub is an entirely new experience because it is an IT consulting firm specializing in building eCommerce web applications, while my experience was usually in advertising and creative agencies. The organization has greatly evolved over the years in its expertise and services. But, the existing brand image doesn’t communicate the same message, so they have been working on a rebrand. Visual identity is an essential branding element for any organization as it helps to communicate what the brand is all about and helps unify the multiple aspects of a business through consistent visuals.  As a visual communication specialist, my role involves helping build a new visual brand identity that communicates what the brand stands for.  

At the start of my journey at Tecstub, I acquainted myself with what goes behind the development of eCommerce web applications and became well-versed in Agile software development methodology. It was essential to comprehensively understand the work process to lay the foundation for my creative process. Additionally, I also understood how the creative messaging of IT should look and have incorporated those elements into my designs.

Since I started working, I have been involved in all marketing initiatives, from designing business presentations to handling social media creatives to designing emailers, web pages, brochures, Linkedin banners, video creation, and more. 

Throughout my journey at Tecstub, my manager has provided insightful feedback that has enabled me to expand my understanding of design from different perspectives. At Tecstub, I have the creative freedom and independence necessary to excel in my work.

What does your creative process look like? 

My creative process starts with deep analysis and understanding of the target group, the platform, and the core message.  When I create a design, I try to understand what it is talking about and then try to give the gist of the content through my design. I focus on 70% design and 30% content rule.  When I design the graphics for our social media page, I use a minimal design approach and fewer elements to communicate the overall message. A user who sees a graphic should get the idea without reading the content.  The three things that define my job would be Creative, Attractive, and Emotive.  

What are your future goals?

I am currently focusing on the TecStub rebranding initiatives and looking forward to developing a new visual identity for TecStub that communicates its true story. The one future goal always constant for me is to keep creating, learning, and evolving. Because someone has rightly said, “You can’t use up creativity the more you use, the more you have.”  

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This was Thilak’s career and growth story, all the way from Chennai. He even visited the office in Ahmedabad during a work-from-office week in August and got to know everyone better. We’ll be sharing more stories of our amazing employees and their paths to growth, so make sure to follow us on LinkedIn.

Also, did you know we are hiring? Check out our career page for new openings and join our team. 🙂